This chapter covers information and insights about reading, including the Mechanics of Reading. Many dyslexic/ SpLDs are strongly programmed to start at the beginning of a book or article, to read every word in a linear fashion until they get to the end. They move their eyes smoothly over the words. Often they have difficulty finding the next line. They find they don’t make much sense of what they have read. Understanding and working with the mechanics of reading has helped many dyslexic/ SpLDs to change this programming so that reading works better. There are two sets of neural pathways that take signals from the eyes: operates when there is movement of the eyes and the other when the eyes are stationary, i.e. zero movement. While reading, dyslexic/ SpLD people can be decoding letter by letter, syllable by syllable (and missing a few as they go), word at a time, or phrase at a time.