On the other hand, an illegitimate ch1ld is confidered 311 the offspring of no one; OS' as it is fometimea termed, to cut off all idea and hope of peculiar re1ation1hip, the child. of the people. There exifts no privity of blood between it and the reputed parents, through which it can lay claim to their fettlement : and it is fettled in the place of its birth, as we have feen that lawful children arc whofe parents haTe: none (3)-

It is the fame if the mother come into the parifh under the prote8:ion of a certificate (4); unlefs the parifil certifying therein, exprefsly defcribes the child, and undertakes to provide for it. As where parifil officers by their certi.ficate acknowledged A. C. fpinfter, and the child or children which {he now goeth with, to be their inhabitants, and promifed to provide for them; it is fettled in the pa. riili granting the cenificate (s). But the pari1h will not be

(1) Whitttbapd ... Sttpney, •• t,. .. ,. Rca". SpitailitWa, 1 U. Ra,m.