To remove thefe inconYCRiences, a claul'e was intro-'.9 w. duced in 8 & 9 W. Ill. c. 30. which provides, that no s· Co JO. perfon fo hired as aforefaid, {hall be adjudged or dtem~ to have a good fettlement in any {uch pariih, or townfhip, "unlefs fuch perfon {hall continue and abide in the fame " fervi« for the {pace of one whole Jear.-

Of thefe ftatutes, when taken feparately, the 6rft rep-Diftr~rJoe lates three things, namely, the defcription of perfons by of fv'Djc4. whom a fettlement may be gained ~ the lawful hiring for a )'car; and the place into which the (avant is to 'be hired.