At the strategic level, the UK has moved forward in a thorough and deliberate manner to construct, evaluate and update its national action plan to implement UNSCR 1325, which includes tasks for the Ministry of Defence that are keyed to its overseas missions and at a realistic level of resource commitment. From the perspective of climate change, the UK recognises that climate change will have effects on its activities and operations, but that these effects are not likely to register significantly for perhaps a couple of decades. Reflecting the UK’s strong role in helping develop NATO doctrine in general, the UK largely accepts NATO as its own, modifying it when necessary to address national interests and equities. UK joint doctrine shows distinct progress in factoring gender considerations into the planning and conduct of civilian-centric operations, but not kinetic operations. In relevant service doctrine at the tactical level, however, such as in British Army doctrine, gender is not yet fully operationalised, although some progress is being made.