Law No. 3896/2010 on the equal treatment between men and women states that termination of an employment contract is prohibited if based on reasons of sex or marital status or on retaliation by the employer, because of the non-compliance of the employee in sexual or other harassment against him/her. In Greece law 3488/2006 adopted European Union (EU) Directive 202/73/EC, established a general framework for implementation of the principle of equal treatment of men and women regarding employment and other matters of equality. The law specifies that sexual harassment is a form of gender-based discrimination in the workplace, and establishes the victim's right to claim compensation. The law implements the Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC and provides a definition of harassment following the one given by EU directives. Equal treatment applies in relation to conditions for access to employment, access to training, and retraining, vocational guidance including practical work experience, employment, and working conditions.