There is no express law prohibiting workplace bullying in Italy. The risk assessment should cover all risks to the safety and health of workers, including those linked to work-related stress, according to the content of the Agreement on Work-Related Stress of October 8, 2004. Decree No. 198 of 6 April 2006 enacting the Act on Equal Opportunities between Men and Women, as amended by Decree No. 196/2007 and by Decree No. 5/2010, prohibits direct and indirect discrimination. Under Article 26, sexual harassment is defined as any form of unwanted verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, with the purpose or effect of violating a person's dignity, or by creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment. Less favorable treatment related to pregnancy, is regarded as direct gender discrimination. The Civil Code sets forth the employer's obligation to do whatever is necessary to "safeguard the physical integrity and mental personality of the providers of labour".