In Latvia the Labour Law 2001, as amended by Law No. LV, 103 of 16 June 2011 to Amend and Supplement the Labour Law, and in October 2014, transposes Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC. It contains provisions against discrimination based on race, skin color, gender, age, and disability, religious, political or other conviction, ethnic or social origin, property, or marital status as well as provisions regarding pregnant and nursing employees. Direct and indirect discrimination are defined consistently with European Union (EU) directives. Sexual harassment is prohibited. Harassment of a person shall be deemed to be discrimination and is prohibited. Differential treatment based on the gender of an employee is prohibited with regard to working conditions, work remuneration, or occupational training. It is permitted only in cases where a particular gender is an objective and substantiated precondition, which is reasonable for the legal purpose reached as a result, for the performance of the relevant work or employment.