The Prevention of Sexual Harassment Law, 5758-1998, as amended 2014, covers sexual harassment in the workplace, although the law is not limited to employer-employee relations. Its stated purpose is "to prohibit sexual harassment in order to protect human dignity, liberty and privacy and to promote equality between the sexes". The law prohibits all forms of sexual harassment at the workplace. Sexual harassment is interpreted broadly, and prohibited as a discriminatory practice, a restriction of liberty, an offense to human dignity, a violation of every person's right to elementary respect, and an infringement of the right to privacy. Responsibility is placed on the employer to take preventive measures against sexual harassment in the workplace. Employers who are found guilty of sexual harassment are liable to imprisonment for a term of up to four years. Israel Amendment to the Sexual Harassment Prevention Law: the Sexual Harassment Prevention Law, 5774-2014 was published on January 8, 2014.