Law on the Prevention of Discrimination, effective January 1, 2004, amended 2006, prohibits all forms of discrimination based on age, gender, ethnic group, national origin, education, family status, and property status. Harassment on the grounds of sex is deemed to be discrimination. Harassments related to sex and sexual harassment are defined consistently with the EU's Equal Treatment Directive. Definitions cover both quid pro quo and hostile work environment sexual harassment. Law on Health and Safety at Work, 1997, as amended 2003, requires that the employer provide a healthy and safe workplace. Hazardous factors for health and safety include psychological impacts which adversely affect the health and safety of the employees. An assessment of the working environment as a source of risk includes psychosocial risks. The employer shall control and improve work-related psychosocial factors. "Harmful factors for health and safety" are physical, chemical, biological, psychological, organizational, and other influences that affect negatively or threaten health and safety of workers.