That meant we had reached a new phase in our programme. ‘I should have talked about inner Tempo-rhythm much earlier when

we were study ing how to achieve the creat ive state in perform ance, because inner Tempo-rhythm is one of its main features,’ Tortsov explained today. ‘I held back so as to make today’s work easier. ‘It’s much more conveni ent to talk about inner Tempo-rhythm at the same

time as outer Tempo-rhythm, because then it is observ able in phys ical actions. At that moment it can be seen as well as sensed, rather like inner exper i ences which are not visible to the eye. I said nothing about Tempo-rhythm earlier because it was invis ible and am only discuss ing it now when we are talking about outer, visible Tempo-rhythm. ‘Tempo is the rate at which equal, agreed, single length-values follow each

other in any given time signa ture. ‘Rhythm is the quant it at ive rela tion ship of active, agreed length-values in

any given tempo or time signa ture.