Hildebrand possessed in a living state only the long-styled form of this trimorphic Chilian species. The pollen grains from the two sets of anthers differ in diameter as 9 to 7.5, or as 100 to 83. He has further shown that there is an analogous difference between the grains from the two sets of anthers of the same flower in five species of Oxalis, besides those already decribed. The present species differs remarkably from the long-styled form of the three species previously experimented on, in a much larger proportion of the flowers setting capsules when fertilized with their own-form pollen. The stamens in some of the flowers are partially converted into petals. Fritz Mller after reading description, hereafter to be given, of the illegitimate offspring of various heterostyled species, suspects that these plants of Oxalis may be variable and sterile offspring of single form of some trimorphic species, perhaps accidentally introduced into the district, which has since been propagated asexually.