I had been wandering about North Wales on a geological tour with Professor Sedgwick when I arrived home on Monday 29th of August. My sisters first informed me of the letters from Prof Henslow & Mr Peacock offering to me the place in the Beagle which I now fill. – I immediately said I would go; but the next morning finding my Father so much averse to the whole plan, I wrote to Mr Peacock to refuse his offer. On the last day of August I went to Maer, 1 ; where everything soon bore a different appearance. I found every member of the family so strongly on my side, that I determined to make another effort. In the evening I drew up a list of my Father’s objections, to which Uncle Jos wrote his opinion & answer. This we sent off to Shrewsbury early the next morning & I went out shooting. About 10 o’clock Uncle Jos sent me a message to say he intended going to Shrewsbury & offering to take me with him. When we arrived there, all things were settled, & my Father most kindly gave his consent.

I shall never forget what very anxious & uncomfortable days these two were, my heart appeared to sink within me, independently of the doubts raised by my Father’s dislike to the scheme. I could scarcely make up my mind to leave England even for the time which I then thought the voyage would last. Lucky indeed it was for me that the first picture of the expedition was such an highly coloured one.

In the evening I wrote to Mr Peacock & Capt. Beaufort & went to bed very much exhausted. On the 2nd I got up at 3 o’clock & went by the Wonder coach as far as Brickhill; I then proceeded by postchaises to Cambridge. I there staid two days consulting with Prof Henslow. At this point I had nearly given up all hopes, owing to a letter from Cap. FitzRoy to Mr Wood, which threw on every thing a very discouraging appearance. On Monday 5th I went to London & that same day saw Caps. Beaufort & FitzRoy. The latter soon smoothed away all difficulties, & from that time to the present, has taken the kindest interest in all my affairs. On Sunday r 1th sailed by Steamer to Plymouth in / order to see the Beagle. I returned to London on 18th. 2 On Monday the 19th by mail to Cambridge, where after taking leave of Henslow on Wednesday night I got to St Albans & so by the Wonder to Shrewsbury on Thursday 22nd. I left home on October 2nd for London, where I remained after many & unexpected delays till the 24th on which day I arrived at Devonport & this journal begins.

(16th December) /