The Institute of Scientific Information in the Social Sciences (INION) was founded in 1969 as the center for a unified system of social sciences information for the entire Soviet Union, with numerous functional subdivisions which collect, process, store and disseminate information pertaining to the social sciences. The Archive was established on January 17, 1728, three years after the founding of the Academy itself, becoming the first scholarly archive in Russia. The first curator was G. F. Miller, a famous historian and archeographer. Originally the Archive was used to store only documents from the conferences (General Assemblies) of the Academy of Sciences. Russian archeology began to take shape as a science in the mid-19th century. An organization called the Archeological Numismatic Society in St.Petersburg was founded in 1846 (renamed the Russian Archeological Society in 1866), and in 1864 the Moscow Archeological Society came into being.