The Center has decided that speeding up the development of the nitrogenous fertilizer industry is one of the important tasks for industry to support agriculture. Actual production does not fulfill the designed capacity, and the consumption of raw materials and power is also very great. Generally, the construction and production of small-scale nitrogenous fertilizer factories have not met technical requirements. The opposite of small-scale nitrogenous fertilizer factories are the large-scale nitrogenous fertilizer factories that annually produce 25 or 50 thousand tons of synthetic ammonia. As to the comparison between large-scale and medium-scale factories, the technology of the latter is not as mature as the former either. Of course small-scale nitrogenous fertilizer factories have their advantages. Even in areas of concentrated economic crop production and high-yield grain areas, construction must be carried out by steps. This is contrary to the request to quickly develop the nitrogenous fertilizer industry on a widespread basis in the whole country.