This chapter presents all basic political, economic, and demographic data on Bryansk Oblast, which is located in the broad basin of the Desna River and borders Smolensk, Kaluga, Orel, and Kursk oblasts; Belarus; and Ukraine. Local soil was badly contaminated by the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power station and much of the land cannot be cultivated. The oblast is one of the largest machine-building centers in Central Russia, with most of the enterprises concentrated around the city of Bryansk. Lodkin has been successful in pulling Bryansk out of its economic turmoil. The oblast lacks the resources necessary to help support regional industry. Agricultural production has decreased, unemployment has increased, and the volume of trade is declining. Bryansk citizens have expressed dissatisfaction with Lodkin’s performance, claiming that he has failed to deliver the social reforms promised in his campaign, specifically in regard to wage arrears in the social service sector.