Socrates was born in Athens about 470 BC He was the first native Athenian philosopher. Plato's picture of Socrates in the early dialogues, historical or not, is the one generally known, and it is an inspiring story. Socrates is pictured as civic-minded but not a professional politician. He is shown as a courageous person, who served in battle with valor and fortitude. Xenophon and Plato are also in agreement that Socrates was not interested in metaphysical discussion of natural philosophy and cosmology. He did not speculate about the world and its origins but was interested in human affairs. The philosophical approach of Socrates was much like that of a Sophist. His lack of interest in speculation about the origin and nature of the world and his focus on matters of human concern were shared with most of the Sophists. The Cynic school may have been originated by Antisthenes. He had his own followers after the death of Socrates.