The bureaucratic approach has been systematically developed for the fanmaojin period where it does have relevance. Mao Zedong had a crucial influence on the calculations of other actors concerning economic policy. Moreover, the terms of elite interaction had changed drastically from one where Mao largely allowed his leading colleagues and the relevant bureaucracies to get on with the job of running the economy and normal bureaucratic conflict was a natural feature of political life before the Nanning conference. Ke Qingshi remains a controversial figure in the eyes of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) scholars. In attacking Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun for encouraging 'anti-Party rightists' and violating Party discipline he neglected not only his own backing of fanmaojin but also his much more cavalier treatment of Party resolutions. The more threatening atmosphere had sharply reduced the scope of expression and action for Mao's leading comrade's men who were, after all, heroes of the Chinese revolution.