Matter is the permanent substratum of all transitory phenomena, thus of all expressions of natural forces and all living beings, necessarily brought forth by the forms belonging to our intellect. The Old World, America, and Australia all have their own unique series of animals, independent of and entirely different from those of the other two. On each of these great continents, the species are altogether different, but yet have, because all belongs to the same planet, a thorough going and running analogy with one another, which is why the genera iv Schopenhauer's Latin. In Australia, the analogy can be pursued only to a very incomplete extent, because its fauna are very impoverished in regard to mammals, and in particular in such a way that America always displays the poorer analogue among mammals. The development of human beings in America; for even from the closest level below, namely from the chimpanzee and orangutan, the step to the human was still inordinately large.