In order to recognize, as something original and unconditioned, the exceedingly strong inclination of all animals and persons to preserve and continue life as long as possible set out above as characteristic of this subjective element, or willit is also required that we make it clear to ourselves that this is by no means the result of any kind of objective cognizance of the value of life, but rather is independent of all cognizance; or, in other words, that those beings display themselves not as drawn from ahead, but as driven from behind. And there is nothing to show for it but satisfaction of hunger and the drive to mate and at best a little momentary well-being besides, such as is bestowed upon every animal individual now and then, in the midst of its endless need and exertion. Just consider for example that indefatigable worker the mole. Strenuous digging with its oversized shovel paws is its entire life's occupation.