The great majority of modern editors prefer the present relinquit here, evidently because purus aetherius sensus seems to result from removing labes,2 but this conclusion does not necessitate a change of tense. On the contrary, it is likely, in view of the poet's practice elsewhere, that one should add perfect reliquit to perfect exemit. There is no reason for present tense to signal that aetherius sensus is the effect of having purged away labes. It is a regular feature of Vergil's style to coordinate actions following each other in regular logical order by using the same tense. As for the present tense being combined with present tense see G. 3. 547; 4. 104; 148; 237; A. 3. 244; 446; 4. 155; 5. 316; 472; 6. 444; 7. 7; 8. 125; 9. 332; 10. 604; 855; 11. 628; 12. 818; 842. For a similar case at 12. 470 see below.