Cahit Atay, Necati Cumah and Hidayet Saym dominated the scene. The two playwrights that emerged in the 1960s, GungOr Dilmen and Toran Oflazoglu, took as their models the Greek tragic poets and Shakespeare respectively. But the really original contributions to the dramatic literature of the period were Sermet <;agan's Ayak Bacak Fabrikast (1965), Sevim Burak's Sahibinin Sesi (1970) and Oguz Atay's Oyunlarla Ya~ayanlar (1975). All three of these playwrights wrote their plays in a period of Brechtian and absurdjst influences. Yet their works show how Turkish themes and traditional forms could transcend such influences by assimilating some of the innovating techniques of these modem movements.