In the James Bond films the women are perfect, gorgeous, plastic dolls. James can have sex with them, but he cannot fall in love with them because they are not human. The only time their shells crack is when they get caught in the crossfire and killed. They even make perfect corpses. Sometimes spray-painted gold. It is not that James Bond is incapable of loving someone. The crack can be simply a vulnerability exposed by one person to the other. It can be physical, an infirmity, a handicap, or a literal wound. It can be emotional. If someone is grieving, heartbroken, lost, depressed, or in shock, the natural empathy is engaged. Low self-esteem, embarrassment, and humiliation are all forms of cracks that can be used to create an opening for love. Sometimes it can be the simplest tiny detail that humanizes someone. A moment of childishness. Or humanness.