This chapter provides a number of conclusions that encourage the reader to revisit contemporary interpretations of the American Dream as a vehicle of upward mobility. The undergraduate students represented within this study fall into what can be regarded as the ‘vanguard of a new and diverse generation’ caught between the values and ideals of the more politically contentious ‘Baby Boomers’ and the more disenfranchised ‘Generation Xers’.

The ‘Generation Yers’ sampled in this book arguably represent a departure from their predecessors in terms of their scholarship decision making and attitudes towards what higher education offers them both personally and professionally. By opting to pursue an athletic scholarship in soccer, individuals are challenging an outdated historical narrative that soccer is a ‘foreign sport’ which will fail to enter into the American psyche. As such, student-athletes and in particular recipients of a soccer scholarship challenge many of the prosaic assumptions that are held to define contemporary culture in the US.