This chapter explains and expands on the third stage of the Dream-Guided Meditation Model. It explores that thoughts often interfere with the meditator's ability to become aware of the still state. Stage three of the model originates from the words "Arizona State". The chapter elucidates to become aware of the still state and illustrates fact of meditation model dream. The first dreams in the chapter show how to still the thoughts. Then the next dreams address listening. The last dreams in the chapter center on becoming aware of the still state, which is the ultimate goal of Stage Three. Possible responses from becoming aware of the still state include intuitive knowing, peacefulness, and even at times feelings of love. The monkey mind dream came one night after rambling thoughts interfered with meditation attempts. Problem-working cards, in the context of monkey mind dream, symbolize rambling thoughts. Blank cards symbolize spaces between thoughts, spaces between monkey mind thoughts.