The pedagogy of pathologization provoked teachers to act as prison nation agents by seeking out behaviors— many of which were common teenage behaviors— labeling those behaviors as signs of criminality and punishing those behaviors publicly. Yet there were classroom interactions where teachers and students broke free from the pedagogy of pathologization. In a Pedagogy of Resistance, we build space for the multitude of Strategies of Resistance to the historical and present-day inequities that multiply-marginalized dis/abled girls of color face. A Pedagogy of Resistance, then, would be built on three essential and interdependent constructs rooted in DisCrit: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Solidarity. This Pedagogy of Resistance would center dis/ability and race as political identities, recognizing additional ways dis/abled students of color are marginalized and how they resist. Conversely, critical curriculum and pedagogy are described in ways that assume relationships in the classroom, but what that looks like is often not made visible.