A few years ago, a friend of mine went to a selective event where the participants included former presidents, important thinkers and business people, and intellectually gifted celebrities. His problem: finding a conversation that didn't wind up with someone expressing a belief in some bit of pseudoscience. His experience is not uncommon, and it's why one of the first things I learned when The Skeptic began was that many people of a skeptical bent feel isolated. But more than that, although believers often talk about the ridicule they face for their beliefs, the general public seems to think being a skeptic is pretty weird, too. Present yourself as a skeptic, and you'll find you get asked a lot of questions as if you were some sort of exotic bug to be studied and probed. 'Haven't you ever seen anything you couldn't explain?' is a common question. Well, yes: what characterizes skeptics in fact is the willingness to accept that we don't know the answer. What is it like to approach life with a skeptical frame of mind? In this section, you'll find examples of bow a few people have answered that question.