With trauma, external events occur that psychologically and neurobiologically overwhelm a person's normal mentation and processing during their occurrence. The effects of such a disruption vary from occasionally positive effects to such lingering and potentially disabling psychological disorders as post traumatic stress disorder; to an assortment of subsequent psychological symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep disturbance, and shifts in personality traits. These complex effects were due to the neurocognitive impact prolonged hyperarousal can have on the developing brain and, consequently, on a child's developing emotional, interpersonal, and coping style capacities. Other neurobiological effects include diminished serotonin levels complex shifts in cortisol levels and impairment in limbic system function as well as possibly structure. Dysregulation of arousal systems, hypersensitivity, disruptions in the assessment of danger and proneness to aggression and impulsivity naturally are going to have a profound negative impact on the maturation of emotional regulation.