We’re now ready to draw closer to a theorization of a Ciceronian followership of logicratic Reason. A/the fundamental condition here is that followers participate in the leaderly ambition of transforming existing situations into more rational ones and maintaining more rational situations from anti-rational contestation. In other words, followers are co-participants in leaderly efforts to transform or preserve situations. In Chapter 4, I began detailing some of the activities that logicratic followers would be required to undertake according to the pathway that I’m offering, such as being involved in the establishment and growth of the International Logicratic Movement, supporting the Blueprint Working Group, advocating the blueprint to the public, and so on. What remains to be done is to develop the notion of following logicratic Reason “as though it were a god,” particularly in terms of follower activities or traits (I’ll shortly return to this point of “activities or traits”). This development is possible because we’ve delineated quite a specific leader requiring followership. Such a delineation is crucial because the kind of followership will be significantly determined by the kind of leader (this is not to insinuate that this is a one-way determination). Litzinger and Schaefer forcefully make this exact point in their 1982 article: “distinct styles of leadership must elicit distinct styles of followership. Appropriate types of followership will be expected as responses to, and support for, particular styles of leadership” (1982: 80). While we question the dogmatism and ambiguity of the “must” (do/should distinct styles of leading always elicit distinct styles of following?), the rest of the present book basically hinges on this reasonable premise. But before supporting it and applying the notion that a specific kind of leadership requires a specific kind of followership, we should also note that this principle probably applies to all 98kinds of following; the form or style of following should vary according to the entity that’s being followed. For example, followers of a political leader will behave differently in their capacity as political followers than followers of a football team.