John Leighton Stuart served as the Yenching President for 27 years from the early summer in 1919 until he assumed office as the US Ambassador in June 1946. With Stuart's reforms and the conscientious efforts of Yenching faculties and staff, Yenching rapidly ascended into the top universities in China. When Stuart assumed office in the early summer of 1919, the May 4th Movement had just broken out, and several Yenching students were arrested for their involvement in the demonstration. Some progressive teachers and students at Yenching University left the university and joined the nationwide anti-Japanese movement to save the country from destruction. Stuart not only strived to help the students to fulfill their wish to resist the Japanese invaders, but also bent over backwards to rescue the students who were arrested for their anti-Japanese activities. Stuart's command of Chinese was truly extraordinary compared with that of other foreign missionaries.