Narrative inquiry is always with and within stories, the stories of participants, the stories of inquirers, the social, cultural, institutional, familial, linguistic narratives within which all stories are lived. The research puzzle for the study with Jason is the three-year narrative inquiry into the schooling and educational experiences of urban Aboriginal youth and their families. The research team is large and diverse and includes Vera, Sean, Jean, Florence Glanfield, Cindy Swanson, Simmee Chung, Shauna Bruno, Trudy Cardinal, and Elders Isabelle Kootenay, Francis Whiskey jack, and Mary Cardinal Collins. Working within relational response communities over the time of a narrative inquiry reminds us to frame and to continue to return to a tenth touchstone that is, the importance of three kinds of justifications: the personal, practical, and social justifications of a narrative inquiry. Other autobiographical narrative inquiries made visible how her parents taught her to be attentive to others as well as to the land and to animals that lived on the land.