This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book discusses the significant events in Siddha Yoga history: Muktananda's death and the adoption of Nityananda and Gurumayi as co-leaders. It also discusses the Nityananda's alleged forced removal and harassment by Siddha Yoga devotees; and Muktananda's alleged sexual relations with female devotees. Each of these events has played a role in devotees moving away from Siddha Yoga. Even though these significant events led some to reconsider their affiliation, many drifted away from Siddha Yoga as other life priorities, such as children and career, replaced their involvement. All of the participants here moved away from their involvement with Siddha Yoga, which in itself is an antithesis to a brainwashing understanding of involvement. This book attempts to contribute to the growing empirical knowledge of New Religious Movement (NRMs) for the sociology of religion.