The most open of open-world games is described as a sandbox, the epitome being Minecraft, in which players live in a world comprising low-resolution cubes which they can combine as materials. The materials can be used to build anything. Accusations of generalising and stereotyping aside, Role-playing games (RPG) introduced choice at a fundamental level in gaming. New genres emerged, such as sandbox, open-world and turn-based strategy. Autonomy is the freedom to make choices that are consistent with your beliefs, with your deepest sense of self. Autonomy is not unconstrained choice, it is not complete freedom. In fact, unconstrained choice can erode our sense of purpose, it can dilute our sense of autonomy. As a younger man, with more free time, he picked up one of the earliest sandbox games, Elite. Elite allowed us to pilot a somewhat cranky old ship around a seemingly infinite universe, picking up paid missions which allowed us to upgrade your craft.