Epic can describe lofty achievements on a grand scale, but it's first story. The Halo backstory follows this ancient tradition of inspiration through missions of national, global or, as it happens, interplanetary scale. Gamification commentators on the Epic Meaning meme can, however, take this a little too literally. Halo was a first in this regard. Prior to Halo, there were examples of narrative game-play, but mostly on personal computer titles such as Mass Effect. Southwest's narrative and purpose drives senior executives in their decision-making too, providing landing lights' for difficult commercial situations. It earns enviable engagement. Narrative purpose is not the prerogative of agile, entrepreneurial businesses intent on disrupting established markets. Paul Smith, former Consumer Research Executive of Procter has spent more than twenty years observing what it takes to motivate, inspire and persuade others. From the CEO addressing the board of directors to the conversation around the coffee machine, human narrative has the power to engage and inspire.