This chapter presents a complete transcript of the handwritten journal kept by William Robert Broughton on his voyage to the North Pacific, together with letters and the journal of his journey across Mexico. Aiming to complete the work left unfinished by Cook's third voyage, Broughton surveyed the coasts of Japan, the Kurile Islands, Sakhalin and Korea, despite being wrecked on an uncharted reef off the Ryukyu Islands in the middle of the mission. On 1 December the island of Okinawa was sighted. This is the SW island of Nansei-shoto or the Ryukyu Islands, named in Broughton's journal as Great Liqueo and on his chart as the Great Lieuchieux. It was also known at the time as Loo-Choo. The island was visible at times and, after sighting Kerama Retto off the SW extremity of Okinawa Broughton continued to the SW in search of some islands supposed to be situated between Okinawa and Taiwan.