Ditto weather and a fine clear moonlight Night. At 11 PM the authors Latitude of 2740N & Longitude by the afternoon Sights 2250E when they alter'd the Course to South to see if they cou'd make an Island call'd Paxaros. Paxaros is the archaic Spanish spelling for Pajaros, Birds, hence the alternative name Bird Island inserted below between the lines and in RUSI/NM/132; Pasaros on Henry Roberts's A General Chart; searched for in vain in 1873 by USS Portsmouth; Stommel, Lost Islands, in the Charts in about 27N & 225E. It was daylight at 4AM but the authors run on till Six AM when their Latitude was 2650 & Longitude 22453E & they cou'd see 6 or 8 Leagues round the Horizon but no Island appear'd nor anything to indicate the probability of Land being near, nor indeed they had scarcely seen a Bird since leaving the Coast of California.