The trade records of the Chambre de Commerce de Marseille list the commercialization of non-finished and finished goods from Asia, agricultural goods, such as sugar, chocolate, coffee and cacao, from French colonies of America, as well as tea and coffee from Yemen, India and China. The volume of goods commercialized from Marseille to Europe, mainly to eastern Spain, grew during the eighteenth century. The main cotton products exported from Marseille to Spain. Commercialization and circulation of those goods in the Mediterranean territories of Spain through the port of Marseille. From the early 1750s onwards, the main destinations of calicoes, corresponding to this market, shifted from Spain to Italy and Piedmont see where calicoes imported from Asia could be easily re-exported to central Europe by Marseille merchants. A thorough examination of the supply-side in the western Mediterranean market allows us to understand the shifts that occurred in the consumer behaviour of south-eastern Spain.