Basically, there are three major areas that World Trade Organization (WTO) members can address. The first area is market access, which can only be enhanced through substantial tariff reductions. The second area is domestic subsidies. WTO members may consider progressively converting Blue Box measures into Amber Box measures and subject both to reduction. The third area is export competition. The complete elimination of multilateral export subsidies is the ultimate goal. This chapter explores factors that affect international agricultural trade and world hungersanitary and phytosanitary measures and genetically modified organisms, food aid programs, and the role of international organizations in world hunger reduction. It proposes some feasible reforms concerning these factors with the goal to reduce world hunger. New Zealand's reform on farm policy was a great success. In addition to economic benefit, the elimination of agricultural subsidies brought New Zealand significant environmental benefits, resulting from the more efficient use of farmland, water, fertilizer, pesticide, and other agricultural chemicals.