This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book proposes a new way of thinking about an old problem. It draws on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and his work with Flix Guattari have had a significant and wide-ranging impact on disciplines as diverse as mathematics, architecture, law, science, education, economics, music and the arts. The book argues women's music is very thinly interspersed into the mainstream analytical writing on music, takes on a minoritarian tendency, a movement away from the order and uniformity characterising this writing, veering in the direction of inconsistency and disorder. The book revisits the question of collaborative work and ponders whether multiple authors, implied by this work, would see the emergence of a new paradigm in which the ego is de-emphasised. It also argues for a radical shift in thinking in tertiary music education and in the practices associated with musical composition and music research.