Havinge provided all thinges necessarye for soe longe a voyage, wee wayed anchoure on the firste of Februarye 1 6 1 1 [1612] from Gravesende; from whence wee sailed with prosperous wynds and wether3 untill the eighth of June followinge, when wee came to the Cape Bona Speransa, where our Generali wente on shoare. And havinge manye of our men sicke, hee caused the tents to bee pitched and our sicke men to bee brought on shoare. The people of the countrye brought us downe some sheepe and cowes, which wee bought of them, givinge for a sheepe a little peece of brasse and for a cowe three peeces; which brasse may be vallewed at 2s. the three peeces. Theire sheepe have noe woole on their backs, but haire verye large; beeinge reasonablye well fleshed, with exceedinge greate tayles. Theire beeves [oxen] are like ours; verye large of bone, but leane for the moste parte.