Huascar was the son of Huayna Capac; and Atahualpa also. Huascar was the younger, and Atahualpa the elder brother. Huascar was merciful and pious. Atahualpa was cruel and vindictive. Huascar wished his father's army to be with him. Atahualpa was dismayed because he was not near Cuzco, where he could perform the fast in that city and come forth with the fringe, to be received by all as king. The empire of the Incas was in a state of such profound peace when Huayna Capac died, who would dare to raise his head to foment disturbance, as well from fear of the Inca, as on account of the mitimaes who were stationed in all parts, and maintained order. For Huayna Capac was in the conquest of Quito, and in those parts for about twelve years, and when he died his son Atahualpa was already thirty years of age.