This chapter provides an overview of the conceptualization of civil society, as well as its history and definition in different contexts. The term Taiwanese civil society organizations (TCSOs) is operationalized for the purposes of the present research to be able to look for the evidence of activities of TCSOs in cross-strait relations. The chapter introduces the multi-track and multi-level approaches. These approaches offer an explanation of the ways CSOs may participate in the transformation of conflicts. The literature dealing with the role of CSOs in conflict transformation and peacebuilding is critically evaluated and on the basis of this literature review, two basic ideal-typical roles CSOs may play in transformation of conflicts are defined: the role of peace- and confidence-builder, and the role of conflict-booster and peace-spoiler. CSOs are seen as building windows of opportunity for peace especially in conflict situations where the violence is low, such as pre-escalation and post-escalation periods.