In the name of God Amen. The last daye of Marche in the yere of our Lorde God a thousand five hundreth fiftie and seaven, and in the thirde & fourthe yeres of the Reigne of our soveraigne Lord and Ladye Phillip and Marie by the grace of god Kinge and Quene of Englande Spayne Fraunce both Cicilles Jerusalem and Ireland, defendors of the faith, Archdukes of Austriche, Dukes of Burgundie Millayne and Brabant, Counties of Haspurge Flaunders and Tiroll. I Richard Hackelett Citizen and Skynner of London dwelling within the Parishe of St. Augustines at the lower ende of thold chaunge at Paules gate within the Citie of London being sicke in bodie with the visitation of almightie god that notwithstanding I am in good and parfytt mynde and memorie lawde and prayse be unto Almightie God, make declare and ordeyne this my presente testament and last will in manner & forme followinge (that is to saye) First and principally I do commende my soule into the handes of Almightie god my maker redeemer and onelie Savyor in whome and by the meretts of whose blessed passion I do verilie beleave to have free and clere remission and forgivenes of all my synnes which I have done and commytted againste god, either in worde thought or dede. And I will my bodie to be buried in the paryshe church of saynt Augustines aforesaid so nere unto the litell pulpitt in the same churche as maye conveniently be. Item I give and bequethe to the high Aulter of the same church for my tithes and oblacions by me negligently forgotten (yf any such be) iijs. iiijd. Item I give and bequeathe unto my Cosyn Richard Hackelett xls. in money. The residue of all my goodes moveable and unmoveable debts and other thinges whatsoever yt be or wheresoever it may be founde or knowen, my debts which I doe owe of right and justice first truelie and fullie contentyd satisfied and paid, and theis my legacies done and 70parformed and my bodie honestlie buryed my funeralls discharged. I will and my verie mynde ys, it shalbe equally devyded into three equall partes according to the lawdable custome of the Citie of London (that is to saye one parte to my self, another to Margerie Hackelett my welbeloved wief And the thirde parte to be devyded amongst my children, parte and porcion lyke and every one of my childern to be others heyre) And I make of this my present testament and last will my said wief Margerie my sole executer desiring her to do for me deedes of pitie and charitie as she wolde I shulde for her (yf she were in case lyke). And I will and desire my said cosen Richard Hackelett to be overseer of this my presente testamente and last will, willing hym alwayes to be aydinge assisting and comfortinge of my said Executrix. And I give hym for his paynes therein taken the xls. above wrytten. Item. I will that according to my brother Sir Walter Hackeletts will and testament soche money be bestowed upon the poore and otherwyse at Oxforde as his will and testament purporteth at large. Amowntinge to the some of vijli, that ys to saye, to the poore in the parishe of St. Tolle vis. viijd. and to a priest of Brodegates 1 fyve markes for one yere and fyve markes for another yere to preche goddes worde and to praye for all christen soules. And I do utterlye revoke and disannull all and every former testaments wills legacies execators and Overseers by me before this tyme in anywise willed given or bequeathed. And I make and ordeyne this to be my verye last will and testament and none other but this onely. In wytnes whereof I the said Richard Hackelett to this my last will and testament have put my hande and seale the daye and yeare first above wrytten. Thes being witnesses and testes of the same, that is to saye, sealed signed and knowledged to be his last will and testament in the presente of John Thatcher Willyam Burde Thomas Pope Merchant Taylors and Robert Davison Scryvener Citizens of London.