The new autonomous regional government, the Comunidad de Madrid, was formed in 1982. In 1983 it adopted its constitution and held its first elections for the regional assembly and president. This initiated a period of institutional consolidation of the democratic gains made during the transition between 1975 and 1983. The bustling scenario depicted in these pages was the one that Madrid's new regional government faced. Its first regional planning and development efforts proceeding from its 1984 planning law were robust failures. COPLACO was dissolved in 1983 with the onset of the new regional government the Comunidad Autnoma de Madrid. The region was composed of the former Province of Madrid which had 178 municipal corporations, compared to the 27 municipalities within the COPLACO jurisdiction at the time of its demise. The commission of Urban Planning and Environment was designed to balance multi-interest representation between regional and local government. Its president and vice president were the director and vice director of COTMAV.