This chapter explores the way in which military teams make decisions within a Joint Fires mission training exercise. To investigate the decision-making process, more effective and less effective decisions were compared. The chapter provides a discussion of the importance of effective decisions within the Joint Fires domain and the factors that have accentuated this need in modern times. The results of the Event Analysis of Systemic Teamwork analysis are summarised, allowing key insights to be drawn. Finally, a series of data-filled F3 models is explored and conclusions on the decision-making process are theorised. The issue of communication overload has been raised previously in fratricide research. Bolstad, Endsley and Cuevas argue that the technological advances of the modern world 'have resulted in a huge increase in systems, displays and technologies, particularly in complex operational environments such as the military'. The SNA has revealed higher levels of sociometric status and centrality in the less effective team.