Nov 26th 1806, a very small sloop called the Hawksbury, E. Edwards master, arrived at Tahiti from Port Jackson bringing the long wished, and long expected Letters from the Directors of the Missy Society and other friends, as also goods that had been forwarded to the Colony at different times. The miss. had requested in various letters sent a[t] different times a considerable reinforcement of the mission and particularly that a few families should be sent out, and a medical man. In the miss letter of July 1805 they observe, the existence of families on the island we consider to be of importance may hereafter prove in the hands of the Lord, great instruments, for planting and watering his word in the neighbouring Islands. In examining the goods that came by the Hawksbury the miss. were grieved to find many articles either spoiled or in a spoiling state, having been wet with salt water.