This chapter describes enduring narrative family therapy (NFT) concepts, including the idea that reality and meaning are socially constructed, therapy is generative and time-oriented, people are not defined by problems, the life of the problem can be deconstructed, and preferred narratives can be co-created that positively affect the future. It illustrates how therapists can integrate principles of sociocultural attunement and offers practice guidelines. Socioculturally attuned NFT aligns with decolonizing frameworks. Colonizing forces seek to destroy or trivialize indigenous cultures while those being subjugated resist their lifeways being lost or forgotten. The chapter describes a case illustration in which a young woman and her family bravely stood up to resist oppressive forces that fueled feelings of victimization and vulnerability. It demonstrates an application of socioculturally attuned NFT that integrates societal systems and attention to power in ways that can enhance possibilities for third order change.