The 9/11 Commission Report stated that KSM was the 'principal architect of the 9/11 attacks'. One of the first al-Qaida figures rounded up after 9/11 was Abu Zubayda, a logistician who had been tracked by the CIA transiting in and out of Pakistan in 2000 and 2001. Brigadier Asad Munir was chief of ISI's Peshawar Detachment when he noticed the substantial numbers of US diplomats, military, and intelligence personnel flowing into Peshawar after 9/11. Arrested in 2007 by Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security (NDS), Mohamed told his interrogators that he was an ISI civilian employee hired for his extensive knowledge of the frontier area. Islamabad's approach to Afghanistan in 2001-2002 was wait-and-see, but in 2003, ISI began creating a new Taliban capable of filling the power vacuum and securing Pakistan's interests. ISI's support for the Taliban embraces virtually every facet of insurgency from military operations to establishing shadow governments for many Afghan provinces.