Aleksandr Mironov did not belong to the inner circle of the Religious-Philosophical Seminar. The reason for including his work in this place is that his poems, which exhibited many of the traits analysed in the previous chapters, regularly featured in the samizdat journals '37' and Chasy from the very beginning. In the early 1970s Mironov became close to the circle around Krivulin. There is no evidence that he actively participated in the work of the Religious-Philosophical Seminar, such as contributions to the discussions subsequently published in '37', but it can be safely assumed that he attended at least some of the sessions. Many texts that mention him focus on his time as a member of the unofficial literary group Khelenukty, founded by 'Vladimir Erl' and Dmitrii Makrinov in 1966, which was active until 1970 and drew in a number of the young writers who frequented the caf on Malaia Sadovaia.