Assagioli received a full classical education, and the influence of classical striving for goodness, knowledge and reality was basic to all his work. In the Republic, Book VII, Plato put forward his view that personally and politically most people live in a dream. Plato, along with many later mystics, believed that through socialization and culture, through the routine and offered banality of much everyday living; people learn to live in a false reality, alienation, a fundamental unawareness of the truth of things. He places a strong emphasis on self-discipline as a means to freedom. Gosling stated that in the Republic: Plato aims to show that a really undisciplined man least of all does what he wants. He developed the analogy between the state and the person the need for order, cohesion and wholeness, of a somewhat hierarchic nature. Thus people can trace a similarity of ideas from the greatness of Plato to a particular application in psychosynthesis.