Motivation is an energy that has nine directions or nine faces if someone will; and that this energy needs to be focused on if it is going to be harnessed towards high-level performance and organisational achievement. Motivation itself derives from three elements in the human psyche: personality, self-concept, and expectations; and that Motivational Maps reflect this tripartite structure from the manner of its construction. There are three good ways to determine someone's motivators, but the most accurate is the Motivational Map, and this tool also provides Reward Strategy ideas to enable individuals to improve their motivational scores. Motivation has three core personal benefits – energy, enthusiasm, and engagement – and three core organisational benefits: performance, productivity, and, if the strategy is aligned correctly, profitability. Motivation underpins highly effective teams and that Motivational Maps provide amazing insights and support in the building of strong and effective teams. The chapter also presents some closing thoughts on the concepts discussed in this book.